Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thing #2 Thoughts about Web 2.0

After reading the article I thought, "Yup, there is not use, this is the way we are going, which way to the band wagon?". This technology mumbo jumbo all sounded a bit out there for me but the words are all to familiar. Growing up in the age of technology surely had its advantage. As I read the article and found out more about Web 2.0, I think cars magically turning into suitcases as in The Jetsons isn't to far off.
I'd like to see my students making a giant leap into the future. Although my subject matter is not a traditional subject that is to use whiteboards, computers, and Internet. I have found ways to embed them into my curriculum. Showing my students clips from famous Broadway shows of YouTube, showing them how to access informative data bases, and showing them proper research methods for costume, lighting, and set design.
I am still in search of my happy medium. I want to use these technologies and take full advantage of them. However, I am a bit concerned with losing normal everyday conversations. I think I have forgotten how some of my best friends speak because we no longer have phone conversations, we just Text it! LOL, JK! IDK, if I can handle my students using IDK to abbreviate I don't know. I want my students to understand that technology is to help us with our everyday lives, not change it, make us lazier and substitute for good old fashion conversation and hard work.
I will let you know how this happy medium works out for me. ;) LMAO!

1 comment:

  1. Great post-very honest and reflective. I feel the same way-trying to find that happy medium in utilizing technology. I find that I come to use it easily, but incorporating it is a whole other story!
